A3 size:
40 cm (L) x 29.3 cm (W)
When we spend too much time in our minds and bodies, we forget to nurture our soul. When we do, we naturally align with our higher intelligence, our Ātman, the true self inside ourselves.
This is our soul purpose, it is why we are here. It’s the mission we gave ourselves as a soul for this life on earth. We are here to remember who we are, and share that with the world. The reason we can’t find our soul purpose is that we are not spending enough time with our soul self. We are too much in our mind and body.
Some people know their soul purpose early on in life, while others wake up to their calling after a life-changing or traumatic event. What I know to be true, is that there are clues scattered throughout all of our life experiences, and it is not until we send our focus inward, rather than outward, that the clues reveal themselves to us.
Our soul purpose is firstly to remember the truth of who we are, and then share that with the world. It is a feeling, rather than a physical thing. It is why we do something, rather than what we do. It can be as simple as smiling at a passer-by in the street, or as grand as trying to save the world. However we express our soul purpose, it is an energetic exchange of giving and receiving that makes us feel a certain way.
Our soul purpose is as unique and special as we are. No one else shares our soul purpose, and we all benefit greatly from each other’s purpose. When we embrace the truth of who we are, our soul purpose elevates humanity, expands ourselves and the collective consciousness.